Thursday, June 17, 2010

We love LA... and Cayman even more!!!

Since departing Melbourne early Wednesday morning, our team has certainly put in some frequent flyer miles in the last 24 hours. The transfer from LA to the connecting Miami flight was described by our Coach as "exciting"... one can only imagine...

Now they are all safely resting (or maybe training) in the beautiful Cayman Islands under the watchful care of Sara Mackay and the other most generous swim families of the Caymans. Here's an exerpt from an email Sara wrote earlier today...

"They are here, a bit tired + dazed, but gorgeous. And hungry. Missing two bags, but have reported it. Michael Lockwood came to greet them and Greg Eggert (FINA) came with me. BJ Bedford was on their flight. They were met at the airport by a representative of the Flowers company with cases of water, gift bags. The girls went off with their host families. I took the boys home where I had a crockpot full of steaming beef/macaroni/tomato + fridge full of food + fruit juices. Andrew arrived back from indoor soccer. They fell right into comfortable comraderie, insults and laughter. Hope they can sleep, they are training at 7am. All good. S"

Thanks Sara for such a informative and delightful update. You certainly know how much swimmers love things from the crockpot. And what a treat that BJ (Barbara) was on their flight. Nice to be keeping company with Olympic gold medalists! Please say 'hi' to Michael (Gumby) Lockwood for us... we sure loved it when he was down under helping out at Surrey Park. And a special thanks to the Flowers again for putting on such a world class event!


  1. Thanks so much to Sara and all involved in Cayman for taking such great care of our kids. Thanks also to Dave for getting them all there safely! Hope bikini parade went well (Tom not happy about that!). Stay well and swim fast from Andy, Mike, Tom and Eileen xxxx

  2. Belated thank you to Sara and all the wonderful people in Cayman for looking after and taking care of our swimmers.

    The Tees
