Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Special Thanks for Some Special Friends...

Our hosts in Cayman were so amazing. Here are a few pictures so you can put faces to names...
Rod McDowall from Red Sail Sports who treated the team to the amazing trip out to Stingray City...

Michael Lockwood (Gumby) and his beautiful Mum Miss Ella Kay...

Tony and Christine Cleaver who hosted Alex and Phoebe...

The Boothe's - Danielle and Stefanie who hosted Bethany and Lucy...

Mike Barrowman, former World Record Holder and Olympic Gold Medalist...

BJ Bedford, Olympic Gold medalist...

Mr. Frankie Flowers and his daughter Dara, the dynamic duo behind the world class Flowers Sea Swim...

Peter Mackay, father of Cayman's first Olympic swimmer, and Flowers Sea Swim official race starter...

And most especially, Sara Mackay, the Mum to all swimmers from near and far.
There were many other people who have made our stay in Cayman so wonderful. We are truly grateful and hope you will all venture downunder one day soon!

1 comment:

  1. It is heart-warming to know there are so many wonderful people around extending their help to ensure our kids having their wonderful swim-cum-fun holidays abroad.

    MUN sms home that he arrived Dallas safely though without this luggage. Virgin Airline must have left it at Sydney and didn't transfer it to LA. Thanks to Coach Dave for the travelling arrangement and also Shelly's (Heidi's sis) help at the LA airport.

    Mun, make sure you report to Virgin Arline. Meanwhile buy any necessary essentials before your luggage arrives. SMS or call home A.S.A.P. Enjoy their trip.

    Heng & Sharon
