Sunday, June 20, 2010

This just in from Gumby...

"Beth was 2nd female and Eugene was 3rd male. Everyone else did really well, coming top 20. There was a lot of other competition from the USA. They're headed on the boat now to do the stringray city tour and then to Cayman Kai with the MacKay's. I'll meet them there. I came an astonishing 73rd!"


  1. Well done Surrey. Hope you all had fun at stingray city. We're looking forward to seeing the pics and wishing we could post one of sunset on uluru!!!
    Love the Smithsons
    PS. Noone to swim here!!

  2. actually I meant noWHERE to swim here. We really are in holiday mode!!!! x

  3. Well done everyone and continue to swim fast and enjoy. Take care and we look forward to more updates (from the boys??) and pics..

    Adrian and Fong

  4. Great job on the weekend. Good results from paradise..............Very proud of you all. Hope you are making the most of every moment. Seb the HAWKS beat the Bombers on the weekend and you missed a fine show from Frankie! Enjoy and do your best. x Deb

  5. Hi everyone... I hope Alex didn't deafen you with her screams... she is a bit of a scaredy cat :) ...saw the stingray photos on the SP website... are we able to put some on the blog?
    I agree Fong... it would be great to hear some updates from the boys!
    Keep having fun!
    Luv, Di, Peter & Henry
    PS: Ali, Immy & Tay say hi xoxo

  6. Have seen your results Seb and you came 8th overall and 7th out of the men. Wow. A terrific job....... a boy amongst the men. Also your time was faster than any of the SP swimmers times in the 2009 race. Last year the winner did 9.12 and you did 9.13! Enjoy Texas and learn all you can from Neil Walker. Keep swimming hard and please ring Mum and Dad soon. GO SURREY!! ps Remind Dave that you are 13 not 14. Last pool event he entered you as 14yo. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
