Saturday, July 3, 2010

hey guys,
On friday night we got to train at the texas university pool. It is massive! afterwards we got to watch the US team train. the girls were on one side of the pool doing kick with weights on their ankles, and the boys were split into two groups on the other side- freestyle and stroke. I got to watch Eric Shanteau do breastroke and he was amazing. i also got to meet the US Olympic head coach Eddie something and he said that eric has the best breastroke on the planet. we also got to watch Aaron Persol and Cullen Jones.
from sarah


  1. Thanks Dave for giving our swimmers the opportunity again to meet those great USA athletes.
    Quick update on Eugene, he is now in New Zealand with the Trans Tasman Team.
    Serena Williams after winning her 4th Wimbeldon title last night said that "You can achieve your dreams if you Stick to it and Work Hard". Good luck, Swim Fast and Enjoy.

  2. Hope the Team are all healthy and fit. Looks like there were some good results at the Texas Open.

    Hey Beth - guess what arrived in the mail today? - your school report! Probably good you are in the USA at the moment :)
